
Marius Jansen
“Sakamoto Ryoma and the Meiji Restoration”

1971, Stanford University Press、経年シミ、423P、ペーパーバック
2,000 yen

・・・the Restoration led to a unified national state which struggled to achieve international equality and leadership in Asia. The successes of the Japanese leaders had an effect on neighboring Asian societies as stimulating as was that of revolutionary France on Europe. Sun Yat-sen, K’ang Y »続きを読む

Maurice Merleau-Ponty
“L’Œil et l’Esprit”

1964, Éditions Gallimard
00 yen (在庫なし)

Le peintre 《apporte son corps》, dit Valéry. Et, en effet, on ne voit pas comment un Esprit pourrait peindre. C’est en prêtant son corps au monde que le peintre change le monde en peinture. Pour comprendre ces transsubstantiations, il faut retrouver le corps opérant et actuel, celui qui n’e »続きを読む

Edward W. Said
“Beginnings : Intention and Method”

1975, Basic Books
00 yen (在庫なし)

What is a beginning? What must one do in order to begin? What is special about beginning as an activity or a moment or a place? ・・・ Beginning is not only a kind of action; it is also a frame of mind, a kind of work, an attitude, a consciousness. It is pragmatic―as when we read a difficult »続きを読む

Edward W. Said
“Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography”

1966, Harvard University Press、カバー痛みあり、207P
9,000 yen

Conrad’s achievement is that he ordered the chaos of his existence into a highly patterned art that accurately reflected and controlled the realities with which it dealt. His experience, as both man and writer, is unique in English literature: no expatriation was as complete or as complex »続きを読む

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
“Other Asias”

2008, Blackwell Publishing、ペーパーバック、365P
3,000 yen

In “Our Asias,” I am called to speak as “Asian” in the heart of Asia-Pacific. I suggest there that we should not think of our own corner as exemplary of our continent, that we might to try to pluralize our continent. This would be the thinking of “Other Asias” from above, from the universi »続きを読む