Artist Statement
My work basically is the outcome of my instinctive response to my immediate environment. The imagery I use reflects how I perceive social issues and situations around me. My work therefore is a comment on society at large based on my personal experiences. Since the nature of human interaction and responses is vast and varied, I don’t stick to a just one subject. This allows me to experiment with diverse thoughts and themes. To give a few examples, I represent social problems and issues through animal forms like dog, pig and the like. I use these form and elements as a metaphor to communicate a certain mindset and social biases. Since some of my subjects are based on “self” and its perceptions, I use a frame or a special designated area which is an individual’s space to create my own stories. This woodcut entitled “Studio” resulted from my working experience at studio space in Vidyanagar, Gujarat, last year as a graphic teacher where I have reflected over my past, present, and future life, especially, with a focus on what is the role of the artist for the betterment of our society and how I can contribute to it.
Chandrashekhar Waghmare